Saturday, March 12, 2011

Molded Moments Lifecasting {Things I Love}

In working with so many wonderful families over the last 6 months, I came to realize that there are a ton of very gifted people out there. So, I decided I wanted to share their talents and give them an opportunity advertise through my Facebook and Blog. I plan on doing this monthly, so if you are creative and have a product that you make and sell, I would LOVE to help you spread the word about your talents/hobbies/businesses.

My share for March comes from Vanessa Rowan, the owner and creative genius behind Molded Moments Lifecasting. She is an absolutely lovely mommy of two who has mastered an art that I tried and failed miserably at! Seriously, have you ever bought one of those molding kits to try and capture your little one's hands only to create a dust storm and lump of clay in your bedroom....or is that just me????

I wanted to give Vanessa an opportunity to share in her own words. Here is what she has to say:

"Looking for a unique gift idea? or perhaps want to capture your child's hands/feet in time? Or maybe you want to remember your pregnancy belly forever? Located in Royal Palm Beach, FL, Molded Moments Lifecasting is here to help you capture those special moments for a lifetime. View the gallery on the website for examples of previous work. Or, if you want to be adventurous, contact me for a commissioned piece. Possibilities are endless and if you have an idea that is not in the gallery, that doesn't mean it isn't possible! What are you waiting for, contact me today to capture your precious memories forever! Children grow up before you know it!"

Here is the company contact information:
Phone: (954) 913-0793

Call or Email Vanessa TODAY! Also, go and "Like" her Facebook page and let her know how much you like her work!!!!

These are just a couple of samples...AMAZING!

These Images are the sole property of Vanessa Rowan and Molded Moments Lifecasting. They are displayed here with permission from the owner. Please do not copy, save or print these images in accordance with Copyright Law.

Thank you, Vanessa, for sharing your special gifts with us!!!

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